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Need assistance with your mortgage payments due to financial hardship?

Learn about the options available to help you stay in your home.

Mortgage payment assistance

We understand that financial circumstances may change from time to time, affecting your ability to meet your obligations. Let us work with you to understand the issues affecting your mortgage payments. We’ll explore what assistance may be available to you and discuss the forms and documentation needed to determine if you qualify for mortgage payment assistance.

The right option for you depends on your individual circumstances. When you provide the required information and documentation about your situation, we can determine if you qualify for temporary or long-term relief.   

Options to maintain home ownership

  • Forbearance: defer principal and interest payments.
    • If you're facing a short-term hardship and need temporary debt relief, forbearance may be a good option for you.
    • Simmons Bank may agree to a 4–6-month forbearance, which may be extended in certain circumstances.
    • Maturity date will not be extended, and payments will be due in a lump sum upon maturity.
    • Prior to the forbearance period ending, Simmons Bank will contact you to discuss the option of an extension or other loss mitigation options.
  • Repayment plan: add a portion of the overdue amount to each regularly scheduled payment.
    • If you have experienced a short-term financial difficulty but are now in an improved financial situation, a repayment plan may be a good option for you.
    • This option may affect your credit.
  • Modification: change current mortgage terms such as interest rate, type of loan or maturity. 
    • If you're facing a long-term financial difficulty and are behind on your mortgage, modification may be a good option for you.
    • Recording fees, attorney preparation fees, and/or past due taxes/insurance could be rolled into the modification balance.
    • Current insurance is required prior to modification completion.
    • All original Note signers will be required to sign the modification.
  • Reinstatement: pay entire delinquent balance, including taxes, insurance, interest or other applicable fees.
    • If your hardship has ended and you have available funds, reinstatement may be a good option for you.

Options to relinquish home ownership

  • Purchase Agreement (if applicable)
  • Release Letter(s) from 2nd lien holder(s) agreeing to release their lien for $3,000 (if applicable)

Loss Mitigation Application and required documentation

If you're ready to explore your mortgage payment assistance options, please complete this Loss Mitigation Application and submit along with the following documents. This will help us determine the best option available for your situation.

All applicants:

  • Last 2 paystubs from current employer indicating year-to-date earnings for all borrowers
  • Copies of benefit income such as unemployment, Social Security or Pension (if applicable)
  • Last 2 months of complete bank statements (checking & savings)

Self-employed borrower(s):

  • Last 2 years complete & signed tax returns with all schedules
  • Last 3 months of complete business bank statements (checking & savings)
  • Year-to-date Profit & Loss statement (signed)

Short Sale or Deed in Lieu options only:

  • Listing Agreement
  • Purchase Agreement 
  • Release Letter(s) from 2nd lien holder(s) agreeing to release their lien for $3,000 
  • Authorization letter to speak with real estate agent


We want to help

To start the process for mortgage relief consideration, submit the Loss Mitigation Application along with the required documentation using one of the following methods. A Simmons Bank representative will contact you within 5 business days.


Simmons Bank
Attn: Loss Mitigation Dept.
601 E. 3rd Street, 6th Floor
Little Rock, AR 72201


If you have any questions, please call 1-877-876-3500 (option 3) or use the email address above.

Additional resources

For help exploring your options, the Federal Government provides contact information for housing counselors, which you can access by contacting the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or the Department of Housing and Urban Development or by calling a HUD Housing Counselor at 1-800-569-4287.

You may be eligible for mortgage assistance from your state's housing finance agency or other local state government agencies.

Your rights

You have the right to request information about your loan and report errors.