Simmons Bank Championship
October 21-27, 2024
Pleasant Valley CC | 1 Pleasant Valley Dr. | Little Rock, AR
The Simmons Bank Championship, presented by Stephens, will play host to the top 54 players on the second stop of the PGA TOUR Champions Playoffs schedule, with the top 36 progressing on to the Charles Schwab Cup Championship.
The Simmons Bank Championship Crest
We are proud to host the PGA TOUR Champions Playoffs here in "The Natural State". Brimming with natural beauty and resources, Arkansas is just waitin gto be explored and enjoyed. From the stunning Ozark Mountains in the north to the fertile lands of the Arkansas Delta, there's an endless variety of landscapes to discvoer and fall in love with. Our state is a place where natural beauty and resources come together to create a truly captivating environment.

Apple Blossom
State Flower

State insect

Loblolly Pine
State tree

Diana Fritillary
State butterfly

Northern Mockingbird
State bird

Rice & duck capital
All artwork for the Simmons Bank Championship Crest was created by Arkansas artist Rebecca Bahn.