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Dress Code Policy

How we dress reflects how we do business. We must always appear professional and competent to our customers and co-workers. Rather than being prescriptive about every possible clothing choice in this policy, we ask you to use good judgment. We’re all generally familiar with what looks professional for the workplace, so make choices accordingly. However, we do recognize that some clothing items may not be as clear cut as others, so we provide this policy to ensure consistent interpretation of this good judgment standard.

Male associates:

  • Business suit/tie
  • Collared shirt and dress pants

Female associates:

  • Dresses, skirts, pants or capris with blouses or sweaters.
  • Fit, length and cut should convey a professional appearance. Cargo pants and leggings are not considered appropriate nor are tank tops, halter tops or spaghetti straps.
  • Dress shoes or sandals (no athletic shoes or hiking boots)

All associates:

  • Short or long sleeved company logo polo or collared shirt with dress pants (see details on logo items below)
  • Cover tattoos and keep piercings to earrings only
  • T-shirts (even logo t-shirts) are not considered part of the professionalism we want to portray in the workplace
  • Please do not wear hats of any kind unless working outdoors
  • Denim is permissible only on authorized jeans days

Logo Wear:

While company logoed shirts are permissible every day, we particularly encourage you to wear logo shirts on Friday and Saturday. We want to have a presence in our communities when we are out and about during the day. You must purchase all logoed items through the Vault and only the current logo can be worn.

As you apply this professional standard to your clothing choices, consider the situation. Dress up for client meetings or other events where you will represent the bank. A more casual choice might be appropriate if you’ll be at your desk all day without any client contact.

Also, please keep in mind that if your definition of professional attire differs from your Leader, you can be sent home without pay to change, so err on the side of conservative in your choices.

Associates requesting exceptions to the Dress and Appearance Policy for religious accommodations, medical conditions, or work-related reasons should contact Human Resources at