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Please scroll to read both the consent and terms, before proceeding to the online application.

Consent to Use Electronic Records and Signatures

In this Consent, the words "we," "us," and "our" means Simmons Bank and each and every current and future affiliate of Simmons Bank. The words "you" and "your" means the individual giving consent and any person represented by the individual giving consent. 

“Communications” means each disclosure, notice, agreement, undertaking, fee schedule, periodic statement, prospectus, trade confirmation, response to a claim, transaction history, privacy policy, record, document or other information of any kind we may provide to you, or that you may sign or submit or agree to at our request.  Communications also include certain tax documents, including, but not limited to, Forms 1098, 1098-E, 1098-MA, 1098-T,1099-A, B, C, CAP, DIV, G, H, INT, K, LTC, MISC, OID, PATR, Q, R, S, SA, 3921, 3922, 5498, 5498-ESA, and 5498-SA and Schedule K-1 (“Tax Documents”).

“Simmons Product” means each and every account, product, or service we offer that you apply for, own, use, administer or access, either now or in the future.

You have indicated you wish to receive and sign Communications electronically.   For a consumer Simmons Product (meaning a Simmons Product you are obtaining from us for personal, family or household purposes), we are required by law to give you certain information “in writing” – which means you are entitled to receive it on paper.  We need your consent in order to provide you this information electronically, instead. 

For both consumer and business Simmons Products, we also need your general consent to use electronic records and signatures in our relationship with you.

1. Your Consent. You agree that any of the Communications we provide to you, or that you sign or agree to at our request, may be in electronic form.  We may also use electronic signatures and obtain them from you on any Communication.

Your consent includes electronic delivery of any Tax Documents. Each of the following applies to the electronic delivery of Tax Documents:

  • You are not required to receive Tax Documents electronically.
  • Your election to receive Tax Documents electronically allows us to electronically deliver any Tax Document which we are legally permitted to provide to you now or in the future until you withdraw your consent.
  • You may receive a paper copy of any Tax Document by requesting a paper copy, as described below.
  • You may withdraw your consent to receive Tax Documents electronically at any time by contacting us by phone at (866) 246.2400. Withdrawal of consent to receive Tax Documents electronically will not include Tax Documents previously provided electronically; such Tax Documents may continue to be provided online for the applicable posting period. We will confirm your withdrawal request and the date on which it takes effect (either electronically or on paper).  If you withdraw your consent, we will send you paper copies of any additional Tax Documents we are required to provide. 
  • The delivery of Tax Documents electronically may be terminated at any time by us. Further, we may make certain Tax Documents available electronically only for a limited time. Currently, such period of time for most Tax Documents is from January 31st or February 15th, as applicable, of the relevant year until October 15 of such year. Certain Tax Documents may be available electronically for a longer time. Certain Tax Documents that are provided electronically may have to be printed out and attached to a federal, state or local income tax return.
  • If you need to update any information relevant to electronic delivery of Tax Documents, you may do so, as described below.
  • We will notify you when each Tax Document is available by mail or electronically. We will notify you if any Tax Document is undeliverable electronically due to size.

A description of the hardware, software and operating system required to access, print, and retain Tax Documents are set forth below.

2. Methods of Providing Communications to You Electronically. All Communications that we provide to you in electronic form will be delivered either (1) via equipment and software we provide;  (2) via e-mail, (3) by your accessing a website or mobile application that we will designate in an e-mail, text message or other electronic notice we send to you at the time the Communication is available, (4) to the extent permitted by law, by posting the information to a website or mobile application, or (5) via any other electronic method we deem feasible after providing you with notice.  We may establish security procedures you will have to follow to access the Communication.

We may phone you or send you text messages. You consent to our leaving prerecorded/artificial voice messages and using an automatic telephone dialing system to call or text your mobile/cellular telephone number. Our calls and text messages to your mobile/cellular telephone numbers could result in charges to you.

We may always, in our sole discretion, provide you with any Communications on paper, even if you have authorized electronic delivery.  Sometimes the law, or our agreement with you, requires you to give us a written notice.  You must still provide these notices to us on paper, unless we agree otherwise and tell you how to deliver the notice to us electronically.

3. How to Update Your Contact Information. It is your responsibility to provide us with accurate and complete e-mail address and other contact information, and to maintain and update promptly any changes in this information. You can update your contact information at any time by contacting us by phone at (866) 246.2400.

4. Obtaining Paper Copies. You will have the opportunity to print out and/or download a copy of all Communications to retain.  We encourage you to print or download for your records a copy of all electronic Communications, as well as this Consent and any other Communication that is important to you.  Requesting a paper copy will not be treated as a withdrawal of your consent to use electronic records and signatures.  Consumers have additional rights with respect to paper copies described below. 

5. Hardware and Software Requirements. To receive electronic Communications in our offices, you will need to use the hardware and software that we provide to you.

You must also have an active email address, and have access to:

  • a Current Version (defined below) of Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari or Firefox,
  • a connection to the Internet,
  • a Current Version of a program that accurately reads and displays PDF files, and
  • a computer and an operating system capable of supporting all of the above. You will also need a printer if you wish to print out and retain records on paper, and electronic storage if you wish to retain records in electronic form.

In some cases, you may also need a specific brand or type of device that can support a particular software application, including an application intended for particular mobile or handheld devices.

By "Current Version," we mean a version of the software that is currently being supported by its publisher. From time to time, we may offer services or features that require that your Internet browser be configured in a particular way, such as permitting the use of JavaScript or cookies. If we detect that your Internet browser is not properly configured, we will provide you with a notice and advice on how to update your configuration.  We reserve the right to discontinue support of a Current Version of software if, in our sole opinion, it suffers from a security flaw or other flaw that makes it unsuitable for use.

6. Simmons Products for Consumers. With respect to any Simmons Product for consumers, you have the following additional rights:

  • Withdrawing Consent. You may withdraw your consent to receive Communications electronically at any time by informing our representative conducting your transaction or contacting us by phone at (866) 246.2400. Withdrawing your consent may delay your transactions with us or limit or eliminate your access to certain Simmons Products or services.  In addition, if we offer a discount now or in the future for conducting business electronically, a withdrawal of consent could result in the removal of any such discount. A withdrawal of your consent to receive electronic Communications will be effective only after we have had a reasonable period of time to process your withdrawal, and will not affect either (1) Communications provided prior to the time you withdraw consent, or (2) any consent to use electronic records and signatures you provide to us at a later date.
  • Requesting Paper Copies. We will not send you a paper copy of electronic Communications from us, unless you request it or we otherwise deem it appropriate to do so. You can obtain a paper copy of any Communication we provide to you electronically by printing it yourself or by requesting that we mail you a paper copy. Requests for paper copies must be made within a reasonable time after we first provided the electronic Communication to you. To request a paper copy, contact us by phone at (866) 246.2400. There is no charge associated with requesting a paper copy of a Communication we sent you electronically.
  • Changes to hardware or software requirements. If our hardware or software requirements change, and that change would create a material risk that you would not be able to access or retain electronic Communications, we will give you notice of the revised hardware or software requirements. Continuing to use any electronic Product or service offered by us after receiving notice of the change is reaffirmation of your agreement to this Consent.

7. Termination/Changes. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to discontinue the provision of your electronic Communications, or to terminate or change the terms and conditions on which we provide electronic Communications. We will provide you with notice of any such termination or change as required by law.

By agreeing to this Consent, you are also confirming that you have the hardware and software described above, that you are able to receive and review electronic records, and that you have an active email account and the ability to access and view PDF files. You are also confirming that you are authorized to, and do, consent on behalf of all of your co-applicants, joint account holders, and any other person you represent for any product or service we provide to you.

Consent to Use Electronic Records and Signatures

In this Consent, the words "we," "us," and "our" means Simmons Bank and each and every current and future affiliate of Simmons Bank. The words "you" and "your" means the individual giving consent and any person represented by the individual giving consent. 

“Communications” means each disclosure, notice, agreement, undertaking, fee schedule, periodic statement, prospectus, trade confirmation, response to a claim, transaction history, privacy policy, record, document or other information of any kind we may provide to you, or that you may sign or submit or agree to at our request.  Communications also include certain tax documents, including, but not limited to, Forms 1098, 1098-E, 1098-MA, 1098-T,1099-A, B, C, CAP, DIV, G, H, INT, K, LTC, MISC, OID, PATR, Q, R, S, SA, 3921, 3922, 5498, 5498-ESA, and 5498-SA and Schedule K-1 (“Tax Documents”).

“Simmons Product” means each and every account, product, or service we offer that you apply for, own, use, administer or access, either now or in the future.

You have indicated you wish to receive and sign Communications electronically.   For a consumer Simmons Product (meaning a Simmons Product you are obtaining from us for personal, family or household purposes), we are required by law to give you certain information “in writing” – which means you are entitled to receive it on paper.  We need your consent in order to provide you this information electronically, instead. 

For both consumer and business Simmons Products, we also need your general consent to use electronic records and signatures in our relationship with you.

1. Your Consent. You agree that any of the Communications we provide to you, or that you sign or agree to at our request, may be in electronic form.  We may also use electronic signatures and obtain them from you on any Communication.

Your consent includes electronic delivery of any Tax Documents. Each of the following applies to the electronic delivery of Tax Documents:

  • You are not required to receive Tax Documents electronically.
  • Your election to receive Tax Documents electronically allows us to electronically deliver any Tax Document which we are legally permitted to provide to you now or in the future until you withdraw your consent.
  • You may receive a paper copy of any Tax Document by requesting a paper copy, as described below.
  • You may withdraw your consent to receive Tax Documents electronically at any time by contacting us by phone at (866) 246.2400. Withdrawal of consent to receive Tax Documents electronically will not include Tax Documents previously provided electronically; such Tax Documents may continue to be provided online for the applicable posting period. We will confirm your withdrawal request and the date on which it takes effect (either electronically or on paper).  If you withdraw your consent, we will send you paper copies of any additional Tax Documents we are required to provide. 
  • The delivery of Tax Documents electronically may be terminated at any time by us. Further, we may make certain Tax Documents available electronically only for a limited time. Currently, such period of time for most Tax Documents is from January 31st or February 15th, as applicable, of the relevant year until October 15 of such year. Certain Tax Documents may be available electronically for a longer time. Certain Tax Documents that are provided electronically may have to be printed out and attached to a federal, state or local income tax return.
  • If you need to update any information relevant to electronic delivery of Tax Documents, you may do so, as described below.
  • We will notify you when each Tax Document is available by mail or electronically. We will notify you if any Tax Document is undeliverable electronically due to size.

A description of the hardware, software and operating system required to access, print, and retain Tax Documents are set forth below.

2. Methods of Providing Communications to You Electronically. All Communications that we provide to you in electronic form will be delivered either (1) via equipment and software we provide;  (2) via e-mail, (3) by your accessing a website or mobile application that we will designate in an e-mail, text message or other electronic notice we send to you at the time the Communication is available, (4) to the extent permitted by law, by posting the information to a website or mobile application, or (5) via any other electronic method we deem feasible after providing you with notice.  We may establish security procedures you will have to follow to access the Communication.

We may phone you or send you text messages. You consent to our leaving prerecorded/artificial voice messages and using an automatic telephone dialing system to call or text your mobile/cellular telephone number. Our calls and text messages to your mobile/cellular telephone numbers could result in charges to you.

We may always, in our sole discretion, provide you with any Communications on paper, even if you have authorized electronic delivery.  Sometimes the law, or our agreement with you, requires you to give us a written notice.  You must still provide these notices to us on paper, unless we agree otherwise and tell you how to deliver the notice to us electronically.

3. How to Update Your Contact Information. It is your responsibility to provide us with accurate and complete e-mail address and other contact information, and to maintain and update promptly any changes in this information. You can update your contact information at any time by contacting us by phone at (866) 246.2400.

4. Obtaining Paper Copies. You will have the opportunity to print out and/or download a copy of all Communications to retain.  We encourage you to print or download for your records a copy of all electronic Communications, as well as this Consent and any other Communication that is important to you.  Requesting a paper copy will not be treated as a withdrawal of your consent to use electronic records and signatures.  Consumers have additional rights with respect to paper copies described below. 

5. Hardware and Software Requirements. To receive electronic Communications in our offices, you will need to use the hardware and software that we provide to you.

You must also have an active email address, and have access to:

  • a Current Version (defined below) of Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari or Firefox,
  • a connection to the Internet,
  • a Current Version of a program that accurately reads and displays PDF files, and
  • a computer and an operating system capable of supporting all of the above. You will also need a printer if you wish to print out and retain records on paper, and electronic storage if you wish to retain records in electronic form.

In some cases, you may also need a specific brand or type of device that can support a particular software application, including an application intended for particular mobile or handheld devices.

By "Current Version," we mean a version of the software that is currently being supported by its publisher. From time to time, we may offer services or features that require that your Internet browser be configured in a particular way, such as permitting the use of JavaScript or cookies. If we detect that your Internet browser is not properly configured, we will provide you with a notice and advice on how to update your configuration.  We reserve the right to discontinue support of a Current Version of software if, in our sole opinion, it suffers from a security flaw or other flaw that makes it unsuitable for use.

6. Simmons Products for Consumers. With respect to any Simmons Product for consumers, you have the following additional rights:

  • Withdrawing Consent. You may withdraw your consent to receive Communications electronically at any time by informing our representative conducting your transaction or contacting us by phone at (866) 246.2400. Withdrawing your consent may delay your transactions with us or limit or eliminate your access to certain Simmons Products or services.  In addition, if we offer a discount now or in the future for conducting business electronically, a withdrawal of consent could result in the removal of any such discount. A withdrawal of your consent to receive electronic Communications will be effective only after we have had a reasonable period of time to process your withdrawal, and will not affect either (1) Communications provided prior to the time you withdraw consent, or (2) any consent to use electronic records and signatures you provide to us at a later date.
  • Requesting Paper Copies. We will not send you a paper copy of electronic Communications from us, unless you request it or we otherwise deem it appropriate to do so. You can obtain a paper copy of any Communication we provide to you electronically by printing it yourself or by requesting that we mail you a paper copy. Requests for paper copies must be made within a reasonable time after we first provided the electronic Communication to you. To request a paper copy, contact us by phone at (866) 246.2400. There is no charge associated with requesting a paper copy of a Communication we sent you electronically.
  • Changes to hardware or software requirements. If our hardware or software requirements change, and that change would create a material risk that you would not be able to access or retain electronic Communications, we will give you notice of the revised hardware or software requirements. Continuing to use any electronic Product or service offered by us after receiving notice of the change is reaffirmation of your agreement to this Consent.

7. Termination/Changes. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to discontinue the provision of your electronic Communications, or to terminate or change the terms and conditions on which we provide electronic Communications. We will provide you with notice of any such termination or change as required by law.

By agreeing to this Consent, you are also confirming that you have the hardware and software described above, that you are able to receive and review electronic records, and that you have an active email account and the ability to access and view PDF files. You are also confirming that you are authorized to, and do, consent on behalf of all of your co-applicants, joint account holders, and any other person you represent for any product or service we provide to you.

Summary of Rates and Terms - Visa


Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases

15.00% - 23.00% based on your creditworthiness

This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.

APR for Balance Transfers

0% Intro APR for 12 billing cycles from transfer posting date for transfers completed within 60 days of account opening date.
After that, 15.00% - 23.00% based on your creditworthiness.

This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.

APR for Cash Advances and Convenience Checks

19.00% - 27.00% based on your creditworthiness.

This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.

How to Avoid Paying Interest on Purchases

Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each billing cycle. We will not charge interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance by the due date each month. We will begin charging interest on cash advances, balance transfers, and convenience checks on the transaction date.

For Credit Card Tips from Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using a credit card, visit the website of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at


Annual Fee


Transaction Fees Balance Transfer First 60 days after account opening: Either $10 or 5% of the amount of each balance transfer, whichever is greater. After the first 60 days: $0.
Cash Advance Either $4 or 3% of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is greater.
Foreign Transaction 2% of each transaction in US dollars.
Penalty Fees Late Payment Up to $39.
Returned Payment Up to $39.

How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called "average daily balance (including new purchases)." 

Billing Rights: Information on your rights to dispute transactions and how to exercise those rights is provided in the Credit Card Agreement that will be provided to you before you can begin using your new card.

Late Payment Fee: The Late Payment Fee is $25 if you were not charged a Late Payment Fee during any of the prior six statement cycles. Otherwise, it is $39. The amount of your Late Payment Fee will never be higher than your Minimum Payment Due.

Variable Rates: To determine your rate, we use the US Prime Rate published in the Wall Street Journal. The Prime Rate of 8.00% last published on September 19, 2024. To determine the rate offered, we apply the following formula, depending on your creditworthiness:

Account Type Purchase and Balance Transfer Rate Cash Advance Rate
Simmons Visa 7.00% to 15.00% + Prime Rate 11.00% to 19.00% + Prime Rate

You may not qualify for the lowest APRs disclosed above. The APRs applicable to your account will be determined by our review of your credit report, information you provide on your application, and other relevant information available to us.

Terms and Conditions

By submitting an application for a Simmons VISA credit card to Simmons Bank ("Simmons Bank", ''we”, or "us"), you agree to the following:

Authorization to Pull Credit

You authorize us to obtain your credit reports to determine your credit worthiness, to verify the information you have provided on your application, and, if this was a prescreened offer, to verify that you continue to meet the predetermined criteria for the offer. If you do not fulfill our underwriting criteria or continue to meet the predetermined criteria, your application for an account may be denied.

Credit Card Agreement

If an account is opened, you will receive a credit card agreement with your card(s). You agree to the terms of that agreement by using the account or any card provided, authorizing the use of the account or any card, or by making any payment on the account.

Offer Terms

We have the right to change the terms of this offer (including the APRs) and benefit features at any time prior to account opening. We may also change the account terms and benefit features after account opening in accordance with the credit card agreement you will receive and applicable law.

Minimum Payment

The minimum payment is calculated as (i) 1% of the new balance plus all finance charges, late fees, and past due amounts OR (ii) $10, whichever is greater.

Application of Payments

We apply payments up to the Minimum Payment Due at our discretion in accordance with applicable law. This may result in balances at lower interest rates being paid before other balances. This may also result in higher interest charges. Payments in excess of the Minimum Payment Due will be applied first to your highest interest rate balances, in accordance with applicable law.

Although we may post payments from you as of the date we receive them, your available credit may not be restored for up to seven (7) days after we receive your payment.

Consent to Our Communication

By providing a telephone number for  cellular telephone or other wireless device in your application, you expressly consent to receiving communications at the number from us and our agents or designated representatives, regardless of the purpose of the communications and in any form possible and not expressly prohibited by law (including, but not limited to, prerecorded or artificial voice messages calls, text messages, and calls made by an automatic telephone dialing system). You agree that this express consent applies to any combination at each such telephone number that you provide to us now or in the future. You understand that you may incur access fees from your cellular provider in connection with these calls and message.

Monitoring/Recording of Telephone Calls

You consent and agree that we, any of our affiliates, and any other persons that we authorize in accordance with applicable law, may monitor and/or record any and all telephone communications with you without any additional notice of such monitoring or recording, unless expressly required by applicable law.

Balance Transfers

A “Balance Transfer” is a balance we allow you to transfer to your account from an account you owe to another financial institution or creditor. To complete a Balance Transfer, there must be enough credit available in your account for the Balance Transfer and you must use a written, electronic or telephonic method we approved for this purpose. All Balance Transfers are subject to our approval. We will not process Balance Transfer requests we consider incomplete or illegible. We will not process requests for a Balance Transfer payable directly to you, to us, or to any of our affiliates. We are not liable to you if we do not process part or all of any Balance Transfer you request. We may make requested Balance Transfers in any order we choose. We may also limit the amount of a Balance Transfer to your account to an amount that is less than the total credit limit of your Account. If we do not approve the full amount of any Balance Transfer you request, we may process part or none of the Balance Transfer amount you requested. Do not request a Balance Transfer for any amount that is or may be subject to a dispute between you and any other financial institution or creditor. After you request a Balance Transfer, you should still monitor and pay at least the minimum amount due on your other account until the other institution sends an account statement to you showing that you are no longer required to make any account payment. You are liable to your other financial institution for any fees, charges, and other amounts due under their credit agreements with you, including any late payment fees and finance charges you may owe if a Balance Transfer or any other payment is not completed in the time and manner required by the other institution. We will not instruct any other financial institution to close your Account with you after we process a Balance Transfer. If you want to close your account with another institution after we process a Balance Transfer, you must instruct the other institution to do so. We will begin charging interest on Balance Transfers (if applicable) on the transaction date. It may take up to 10 days after your account is opened to process balance transfer payments. During the time you may cancel or modify your balance transfer request by calling 800-272-2102.

Important Information About Procedures for Opening a New Account

To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. What this means for you:  When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying documents.

Military Lending Act

Federal law provides important protections to members of the Armed Forces and their dependents relating to extensions of consumer credit. In general, the cost of consumer credit to a member of the Armed Forces and his or her dependent may not exceed an annual percentage rate of 36%. This rate must include, as applicable to the credit transaction or account; the costs associated with credit insurance premiums; fees for ancillary products sold in connection with the credit transaction; and any application fee charged (other than certain application fees for specified credit transactions or accounts); and any participation fee charged (other than certain participation fees of a credit card account). Federal law requires that these disclosures be provided to you both in writing and orally. To receive the required oral disclosures, please call 800-272-2102 and select the option for Military Lending Act oral disclosures.

Information Sharing 

We and our Simmons Bank Affiliates may share information about you among affiliates for everyday business purposes and may share this information with other financial companies for joint marketing purposes. For more information about our information handling policies, visit us on the web at:

State Disclosures

Notice to California Residents: Married applicants may apply for a separate account(s).

Notice to Delaware and Oregon Residents: Service charges not in excess of those permitted by law will be charged to the outstanding balance from month to month. You may pay more than the minimum payment due, up to your entire balance, at any time.

Notice to New York Residents:  New York Residents may contact the New York State Department of Financial Services at 1-877-226-5697 to obtain a comparative listing of credit card rates, fees, and grace periods.

Notice to Ohio Residents:  The Ohio laws against discrimination require that all creditors make credit equally available to all creditworthy customers and that credit reporting agencies maintain separate credit histories on each individual upon request. The Ohio Civil Rights Commission administers compliance with this law.

Notice to New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont Residents: A consumer credit report may be ordered in connection with this application, or subsequently for purposes of review or collection of the Account, increasing the credit line on the Account, or other legitimate purposes associated with the Account. If you are a Vermont resident, you consent to the obtaining of such reports by signing or otherwise submitting a credit application.

Notice to Married Wisconsin Residents: No provision of any marital property agreement, unilateral statement, or court decree adversely affects our interest or rights unless, before we grant credit or enter into an open-end credit plan, we are furnished with a copy of the agreement, statement, or decree, or have actual knowledge of the adverse provision. Married Wisconsin residents who apply for credit separately must notify us, in writing, of the name and address of their spouse at the following address: Simmons Bank, P.O. Box 6609, Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71611.

Summary of Rates and Terms - Visa


Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases

15.00% - 23.00% based on your creditworthiness

This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.

APR for Balance Transfers

0% Intro APR for 12 billing cycles from transfer posting date for transfers completed within 60 days of account opening date.
After that, 15.00% - 23.00% based on your creditworthiness.

This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.

APR for Cash Advances and Convenience Checks

19.00% - 27.00% based on your creditworthiness.

This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.

How to Avoid Paying Interest on Purchases

Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each billing cycle. We will not charge interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance by the due date each month. We will begin charging interest on cash advances, balance transfers, and convenience checks on the transaction date.

For Credit Card Tips from Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using a credit card, visit the website of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at


Annual Fee


Transaction Fees Balance Transfer First 60 days after account opening: Either $10 or 5% of the amount of each balance transfer, whichever is greater. After the first 60 days: $0.
Cash Advance Either $4 or 3% of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is greater.
Foreign Transaction 2% of each transaction in US dollars.
Penalty Fees Late Payment Up to $39.
Returned Payment Up to $39.

How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called "average daily balance (including new purchases)." 

Billing Rights: Information on your rights to dispute transactions and how to exercise those rights is provided in the Credit Card Agreement that will be provided to you before you can begin using your new card.

Late Payment Fee: The Late Payment Fee is $25 if you were not charged a Late Payment Fee during any of the prior six statement cycles. Otherwise, it is $39. The amount of your Late Payment Fee will never be higher than your Minimum Payment Due.

Variable Rates: To determine your rate, we use the US Prime Rate published in the Wall Street Journal. The Prime Rate of 8.00% last published on September 19, 2024. To determine the rate offered, we apply the following formula, depending on your creditworthiness:

Account Type Purchase and Balance Transfer Rate Cash Advance Rate
Simmons Visa 7.00% to 15.00% + Prime Rate 11.00% to 19.00% + Prime Rate

You may not qualify for the lowest APRs disclosed above. The APRs applicable to your account will be determined by our review of your credit report, information you provide on your application, and other relevant information available to us.

Terms and Conditions

By submitting an application for a Simmons VISA credit card to Simmons Bank ("Simmons Bank", ''we”, or "us"), you agree to the following:

Authorization to Pull Credit

You authorize us to obtain your credit reports to determine your credit worthiness, to verify the information you have provided on your application, and, if this was a prescreened offer, to verify that you continue to meet the predetermined criteria for the offer. If you do not fulfill our underwriting criteria or continue to meet the predetermined criteria, your application for an account may be denied.

Credit Card Agreement

If an account is opened, you will receive a credit card agreement with your card(s). You agree to the terms of that agreement by using the account or any card provided, authorizing the use of the account or any card, or by making any payment on the account.

Offer Terms

We have the right to change the terms of this offer (including the APRs) and benefit features at any time prior to account opening. We may also change the account terms and benefit features after account opening in accordance with the credit card agreement you will receive and applicable law.

Minimum Payment

The minimum payment is calculated as (i) 1% of the new balance plus all finance charges, late fees, and past due amounts OR (ii) $10, whichever is greater.

Application of Payments

We apply payments up to the Minimum Payment Due at our discretion in accordance with applicable law. This may result in balances at lower interest rates being paid before other balances. This may also result in higher interest charges. Payments in excess of the Minimum Payment Due will be applied first to your highest interest rate balances, in accordance with applicable law.

Although we may post payments from you as of the date we receive them, your available credit may not be restored for up to seven (7) days after we receive your payment.

Consent to Our Communication

By providing a telephone number for  cellular telephone or other wireless device in your application, you expressly consent to receiving communications at the number from us and our agents or designated representatives, regardless of the purpose of the communications and in any form possible and not expressly prohibited by law (including, but not limited to, prerecorded or artificial voice messages calls, text messages, and calls made by an automatic telephone dialing system). You agree that this express consent applies to any combination at each such telephone number that you provide to us now or in the future. You understand that you may incur access fees from your cellular provider in connection with these calls and message.

Monitoring/Recording of Telephone Calls

You consent and agree that we, any of our affiliates, and any other persons that we authorize in accordance with applicable law, may monitor and/or record any and all telephone communications with you without any additional notice of such monitoring or recording, unless expressly required by applicable law.

Balance Transfers

A “Balance Transfer” is a balance we allow you to transfer to your account from an account you owe to another financial institution or creditor. To complete a Balance Transfer, there must be enough credit available in your account for the Balance Transfer and you must use a written, electronic or telephonic method we approved for this purpose. All Balance Transfers are subject to our approval. We will not process Balance Transfer requests we consider incomplete or illegible. We will not process requests for a Balance Transfer payable directly to you, to us, or to any of our affiliates. We are not liable to you if we do not process part or all of any Balance Transfer you request. We may make requested Balance Transfers in any order we choose. We may also limit the amount of a Balance Transfer to your account to an amount that is less than the total credit limit of your Account. If we do not approve the full amount of any Balance Transfer you request, we may process part or none of the Balance Transfer amount you requested. Do not request a Balance Transfer for any amount that is or may be subject to a dispute between you and any other financial institution or creditor. After you request a Balance Transfer, you should still monitor and pay at least the minimum amount due on your other account until the other institution sends an account statement to you showing that you are no longer required to make any account payment. You are liable to your other financial institution for any fees, charges, and other amounts due under their credit agreements with you, including any late payment fees and finance charges you may owe if a Balance Transfer or any other payment is not completed in the time and manner required by the other institution. We will not instruct any other financial institution to close your Account with you after we process a Balance Transfer. If you want to close your account with another institution after we process a Balance Transfer, you must instruct the other institution to do so. We will begin charging interest on Balance Transfers (if applicable) on the transaction date. It may take up to 10 days after your account is opened to process balance transfer payments. During the time you may cancel or modify your balance transfer request by calling 800-272-2102.

Important Information About Procedures for Opening a New Account

To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. What this means for you:  When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying documents.

Military Lending Act

Federal law provides important protections to members of the Armed Forces and their dependents relating to extensions of consumer credit. In general, the cost of consumer credit to a member of the Armed Forces and his or her dependent may not exceed an annual percentage rate of 36%. This rate must include, as applicable to the credit transaction or account; the costs associated with credit insurance premiums; fees for ancillary products sold in connection with the credit transaction; and any application fee charged (other than certain application fees for specified credit transactions or accounts); and any participation fee charged (other than certain participation fees of a credit card account). Federal law requires that these disclosures be provided to you both in writing and orally. To receive the required oral disclosures, please call 800-272-2102 and select the option for Military Lending Act oral disclosures.

Information Sharing 

We and our Simmons Bank Affiliates may share information about you among affiliates for everyday business purposes and may share this information with other financial companies for joint marketing purposes. For more information about our information handling policies, visit us on the web at:

State Disclosures

Notice to California Residents: Married applicants may apply for a separate account(s).

Notice to Delaware and Oregon Residents: Service charges not in excess of those permitted by law will be charged to the outstanding balance from month to month. You may pay more than the minimum payment due, up to your entire balance, at any time.

Notice to New York Residents:  New York Residents may contact the New York State Department of Financial Services at 1-877-226-5697 to obtain a comparative listing of credit card rates, fees, and grace periods.

Notice to Ohio Residents:  The Ohio laws against discrimination require that all creditors make credit equally available to all creditworthy customers and that credit reporting agencies maintain separate credit histories on each individual upon request. The Ohio Civil Rights Commission administers compliance with this law.

Notice to New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont Residents: A consumer credit report may be ordered in connection with this application, or subsequently for purposes of review or collection of the Account, increasing the credit line on the Account, or other legitimate purposes associated with the Account. If you are a Vermont resident, you consent to the obtaining of such reports by signing or otherwise submitting a credit application.

Notice to Married Wisconsin Residents: No provision of any marital property agreement, unilateral statement, or court decree adversely affects our interest or rights unless, before we grant credit or enter into an open-end credit plan, we are furnished with a copy of the agreement, statement, or decree, or have actual knowledge of the adverse provision. Married Wisconsin residents who apply for credit separately must notify us, in writing, of the name and address of their spouse at the following address: Simmons Bank, P.O. Box 6609, Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71611.

I Agree