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Updated Service Agreements

Simmons Bank has updated legal agreements that will need to be signed by an Authorized Representative and Certifying Person for your organization.

Please provide the information below so that your agreements can be sent to the appropriate individuals for signature. Unless otherwise requested, documents will be sent for electronic signature via DocuSign and signers will receive an authentication code at the cell phone numbers entered in the form below.

Your revised agreements will soon be sent via email with this subject line: Please DocuSign: Simmons Bank Treasury Management Agreement(s). To avoid a disruption in your Treasury Management services, please have the agreements signed by the appropriate individuals by February 1, 2022.

* Indicates fields are required

Authorized Representative

This individual will sign treasury management agreements on behalf of the company.

Certifying Person

This person must be different than the Authorized Representative. This individual will confirm that the Authorized Representative has authority to sign on behalf of the company. For example, this may be a corporate secretary (for corporations), a partner (for partnerships), a member (for member-managed LLCs), a manager (for manager-managed LLCs), or an authorized signer (for government institutions).